Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Wiped out

The Wizard World comic con at Anaheim was crazy! We were only there Saturday, apologies for anyone who came by Sunday. I started feeling sick so didn't come back. I've spent most of Monday having a mild asthma attack. Fun times!
Thanks to anyone who came by over the weekend and picked up a book, prints, or a necklace! I'm almost out of charms, but should have some at the end of the month. If anyone in LA is looking for a signed book, Robocon in Chinatown might still have a couple...

Here is some poop I draweded-ed.

Wonder Girl was a commission. I'm not taking any more commissions for awhile, have a lot of drawing to get through this month!

Baticorn sketch for someone at Anaheim. They couldn't decide between Batman or a Unicorn. This is the only option I could think of. He has an utility saddle!

Alan W. took this away.

Robot/Geisha combo theme for girlsdrawingirls.blogspot.com and bristolwhip.blogspot.com
I need to catch up with the themes on Bristol Whip. So behind. -_-

I drew a butt for the Girls Drawing Girls April theme. At least it's a clean butt.


Justin Rodrigues said...

Brilliant stuff. Baticorn is my fave for sure! love the utility saddle!

Mike Yamada said...

Cool stuff! Love the Baticorn

Don Hudson said...

Your marker work is great!

kris.w said...

the Baticorn is frickin righteous! SO glad i stumbled across this blog. totally becoming a follower whether you like it or not.

...but seriously, if you don't like it then i won't.

Salmi said...

I get found the creative stuff in here ,like your creations ......
Plastic Card
Plastic Business Cards
Scratch Card Printing